Say that three times fast!

I do think this mix of items is so lovely!

So, my friend Donna at kept harping at me "Do your blog already!" So here I am doing my blog. Thanks to her I had the most fun setting up this display. It really makes me want summer to be here.

Trying to decide how to set up my new focal point to sell a few things that haven't normally even been that noticed I wanted to use some of my old white and cream color buttons. So while sorting through them I had one of those lightbulb moments!! :)

I certainly hope you enjoy looking at how I displayed some beautiful shells.

There are some beautiful shabby chippy statues, white candles and gel candles with shells in them.

There are very ornate little hearts with pearls as the hangers.

I have some painted iron things and some painted wood things in the mix.

Please do enjoy. These items can be found on my website for sale.
Have a lovely peacefilled day.