If you love to have houseguests, you want to make sure they have a great experience so that they will visit again. An important part of providing that great experience is making sure the guest room is comfortable.
When you plan your guest room design it can help to imagine what you would want to see in a nice hotel room. You might not have a lot of money for guest room decorating, but there are some things that are priority for your money spending, and other things you can add that don't cost too much.

First of all, you want to make sure your guest bed is comfortable. If you can feel the springs or it is too hard, you may be able to get a simple egg crate pad to put on top, or a feather mattress topper if you can spend a little more. If your bed is just too saggy, you could consider an air mattress on top of a box spring instead, or even on the floor. It is also important to supply several different types of pillows, so the guests can choose one like they are used to. Attractive bedding can add a lot of appeal. You can iron the bedding to add a little extra appeal. Providing an extra blanket or two is a nice touch. It is also a good idea to have an extra set of sheets on hand, in case a guest needs to change them for some reason.
Check back tomorrow for part two!
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