I have posted some new items on my virtual yard sale page. Please visit http://www.vintagehomeinteriors.com/virtual%20yard%20sale.htm.

You can see I have made it a "Name Your Price" sale. Please visit the page and if you see something there you want, please don't hesitate to name your price. What can it hurt!!?? Maybe we can agree on a price.
Here is a little earring hanger I made from an old window. Isn't it sweet? It took about 4 yards of satin ribbon. After painting the window a light pale yellow I epoxy glued on the satin ribbon and then some satin bows over a few of the rows. I think it finished it off nicely.

Then I added a couple clear crystal knobs to the bottom to hang a robe or purse or whatever. It just gave it some added beauty.
Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by! Oh, btw, be watching Miss Sweet Tea Diaries. She will be hosting a giveaway for one of my earring frames!!!! Check her out and watch often!!! http://sweetteadiaries.blogspot.com/