Glass Bathroom Sink

Modern Bathroom Sink

Beautiful and elegant, the glass sink is the ideal environment to give a sober and elegant style. A unique piece, prince of furnishing a private bathroom. Are on the market in different shapes and styles, below I show you the most amazing glass sink.
Sink Glass Art Ceram
Ceramic Bathroom Sink
This basin of Art Ceram is part of a line of futuristic elements for the bathroom, featuring a new dimension and vision of the environment. Glass is often only 25 mm.
Glass Sink Cogliati Cogliati ..
Glass Bathroom Sink
This company offers a collection of " transparency ", created to appeal, dominated by the pure material par excellence: the glass . In balance with prestigious and noble materials, the water with its flow, becomes the object of aesthetic enrichment daily use of the new bath room.
Glass Sink Lineabeta
Glass Bathroom Sink
And 'beautiful and refined the washstand complete with special stainless steel napkin holder (included) built by Lineabeta.
Models Bathroom Sink Cabinets